Monday, March 20, 2006

Why Girl Wirld?

I must admit, for someone who loves to write and usually has a lot to say, I have been a most lazy and late-coming blogger. But I think I finally figured out why...I've never bothered to blog about what I love the most, and spend most of my time doing: being with girls.

My girls, that is. Three of them, soon to be four. (or four, soon to be five, including my wife...yes, I better count her, too!)

My girls are the joy of my life. And, sometimes, the bane of my existence. And except for me and my trusty male companion, a beagle named Leprechaun, there is precious little maleness in my home. So hanging out with girls (my girls) pretty much defines my existence much of the time.

And not that I'm an ultra-masculine, hairy, weight-lifting, beer-drinking, blue-streak-cussing alpha male...this isn't really about whining (really!). But it is a simple fact, truth be told, that my window on the world is tinted slightly pink (and would be saturated pink if Grace had anything to do with it...). So I may as well wrap my arms around this fact and make the best of it, and start writing about it. Because most of the time, it's a rather fun life to live.

And when it is not, I may as well complain about it in public, and hope for some understanding comments!


Krupskaya said...

C'mon, Kris, give yourself some credit. You're totally a hairy, cussing, ultra-masculine beer swiller. Just in a Finnish way.

Krupskaya said...

Dude. Your public. It pines.

ELemonholm said...

Kris, when we moved here to our new locale, the call committee gave us a year's membership in the local community center - an awesome fitness center and more. So, now that I have started going there regularly to get in shape (esp. in the last couple weeks, truth be told), I use some of those handy-dandy weight machines. I do twenty reps on a machine and feel pretty good. Then, the next guy comes along and sets the weight two or three times heavier. Yer darn right I feel machisimo!

My world is a little more balanced, slightly tilted toward maleness, with two boys and a girl - more Legos than Polly Pockets. But I am so glad for the touch of pink and the feminine that our girl (and Mindy) bring to our world.

Thinking about you and your five girls!